Thursday, June 13, 2013

Art Factory

 Confessions of a Closet Mathematician

I've been “doing the math” and as much as I would like to deny it I am stuck in the Fibonacci sequences, which only make sense while I'm creating. Within composing and designing, there's a beauty that's unexplainable and can only be captured at the moment of the revelations. I'm blessed and cursed to follow the inspiration ‘till it becomes materialized and gives it form. This is where Archenemies’ principal of disbursement of negative and positive space is equally in balance. Along with its laws of E=MC2 All working together to maintain what ultimately decays, in other words, "entropy" has taken hold. We are now at a point of no return and all systems are “go”. The works of a great master artist are all of a sudden switched on to produce such work like the Pieta of Michelangelo, Guernica, Picasso, 9th Symphony by Beethoven. Only to transcend past its biggest snobs of each era and share its humanity with all who care to look, hear and feel its unconditional LOVE. Perhaps all of us are desperately seeking "the greatest of these equations” is Love.

Industrialism Show

Art Factory Member RoByn Thompson is participating in 'Voices'. VOICES: A Celebration of Our people and Our stories in Art
An Exhibition of LGBTQQIA Artists and Artists of Color with a Focus on Harlem Artists to be held June 9th to July 3rd, 2013at the Casa Frela Gallery, 47 West 119thStreet (between Lenox and Fifth Avenues) in Harlem. 
The Casa Frela Gallery and Artist  Curator, Ricardo Muñiz, are proud to present,VOICES: A Celebration of Our People and Our Stories in Art.  Curated by photographer Ricardo Muñiz, this exhibit will examine the varied voices of our LGBTQQIA community and our communities of color and those who support and love us.
The exhibit will run daily from June 9 to July 3 with a special Harlem Pride opening set for Thursday, June 20, from 5 pm to 9 pm.
The Exhibiting Artists represent a variety of media (photography, drawing, sketching, painting, mixed media, cartoons, sculpture and graphics).  The message, though, is loud and clear: "We are here, coño, and we shall be heard."
Harlem artists are heavily featured with secondary preference given to LGBTQQIA artists living in other communities of color throughout New York and beyond.  FORTY percent of the proceeds from the sale of work on display will be donated to LGBTQQIA organizations providing support services for LGBTQQIA youth in Harlem and Spanish Harlem.
VOICES is an exhibition about our voices, our people, our struggle , our communities and our unity.  VOICES includes voices of pride, anger, despair, love, rage, lust, pain, and happiness.  Whatever the message in the art, it is strong and it is clear.
Yo, Yo, Yo!  Check out my latest painting The Philosopher's Stone.  This painting is part of a new process of encoded mysteries.  Soon, I will be adding a box that will hang on the wall with this painting that will only be opened by the purchaser…I will email again after that box is complete, but for now enjoy the painting, and feel free to share your interpretations.

Also, I will be moving my studio next week to the soon-to-be-famous Art Factory in Paterson, NJ, a huge evolving arts facility where I will be taking my work to the next level…so, keep yourself up to date with my work by Facebooking me, if you want more details.

Thanks as always for your continued support of my work.  Books and prints are always available for purchase, please email me if you would like to support my studio.

Happy Summer,

Ken Vallario